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2024-07-3 Wednesday 03:15

The first minute of the rest of your life...

Some of my background you'll be able to find

on my home page.
— 2004-01-28 —
I do not attend on a day-by-day basis, as my job does not allow this.
That doesn't imply that I will not stay with things I've started...

And, as Anthere has suggested: "I like you".

Ectophasia crassipennis
Ectophasia crassipennis is a species of flies in the family Tachinidae and the subfamily Phasiinae. It is present in southern Europe and warmer parts of central Europe. Adults can reach a length of about 5 to 9 millimetres (0.20 to 0.35 inches). Their large compound eyes are red, while the body varies between black and orange-brown, with large wings featuring wide brown or grey dots. The broad abdomen is flattened and sternite 7 is ventrally folded. This male E. crassipennis fly was photographed in Keila, Estonia.Photograph credit: Ivar Leidus

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