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An automated Wikipedia link suggester has suggested 44 possible wiki links and 216 possible backlinks for the Anti-Semitism article:

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I like it, I hate it, Please don't link toLinkBot 00:57, 18 Dec 2004 (UTC)

  • Can link antagonism: ...', is hostility towards [[Jew]]s. It ranges from [[ad hoc]] antagonism towards Jews on an individual level to the institutionalize...
  • Can link anti-Judaism: ...sis of such distinctness is valid. *[[Religion|Religious]] anti-Judaism. Like other religions, [[Judaism]] has faced discrimination...
  • Can link mutually exclusive: ...preferred the medical term as he knew that a combination of mutually exclusive assertions is a characteristic of a psychological disorder.... (link to section)
  • Can link psychological disorder: ...n of mutually exclusive assertions is a characteristic of a psychological disorder.... (link to section)
  • Can link Graeco-Roman: ...-Judaism== Prejudice against Jews can be traced back to the Graeco-Roman period and the rise of Hellenistic culture. Most Jews rejec... (link to section)
  • Can link Jewish temple: ...mitic. In [[411 BC|411 BCE]], an Egyptian mob destroyed the Jewish temple at Elephantine in [[Egypt]], but many historians argue that... (link to section)
  • Can link ancient Egyptian: ...ves. The enormous and influential Jewish community in the ancient Egyptian port city of [[Alexandria, Egypt|Alexandria]] saw manifesta... (link to section)
  • Can link seventh day: ...in the desert for more than six days at a time, requiring a seventh day to rest, hence the origin of the Sabbath. It was these char... (link to section)
  • Can link Jewish history: ...s that led to [[Philo]]'s apologetic account of Judaism and Jewish history, which was so influential in the development of early churc... (link to section)
  • Can link Spanish town: ...oman Empire, although already as early as 305, in Elvira, a Spanish town in [[Andalusia]], the first known laws of any church counci... (link to section)
  • Can link Third Council of Toledo: ...e fields of Christians. In [[589]], in Christian Spain, the Third Council of Toledo ordered that children born of marriage between Jews and Chr... (link to section)
  • Can link new covenant: ...rsessionism]], which taught that with the coming of Jesus a new covenant has rendered obsolete and has superseded the religion of [[... (link to section)
  • Can link religious Jews: ...e Middle Ages and [[Renaissance]], additionally taught that religious Jews ''choose to follow a faith that they actually know is false... (link to section)
  • Can link the Holy Spirit: ... people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Spirit. As your fathers did, so do you. Which of the prophets did... (link to section)
  • Can link socio-economic: ...and Jews were a direct affront to Christian beliefs. Among socio-economic factors were restrictions by the authorities, local rulers ... (link to section)
  • Can link black magic: ... concealed or disposed of, but in some instances rituals of black magic would be performed on it. This method, with some variations... (link to section)
  • Can link ritual murder: ...variations, can be found in all the alleged descriptions of ritual murder by Jews.... (link to section)
  • Can link Islamic world: ...are, a hat, or a robe. This practice has its origins in the Islamic world where it was common for various religions to wear badges of... (link to section)
  • Can link medieval society: ...to wear badges of faith. In many localities, members of the medieval society wore badges to distinguish their social status. Some badges... (link to section)
  • Can link social status: ...rs of the medieval society wore badges to distinguish their social status. Some badges (such as [[guild]] members) were prestigious, ... (link to section)
  • Can link 7th century: ...conquest of [[Palestine]] by the forces of [[Islam]] in the 7th century did not interfere much with [[pilgrimage]] to Christian hol... (link to section)
  • Can link Holy Land: ...he security of monasteries and Christian communities in the Holy Land. However, in the year [[1009]] the [[Fatimids|Fatimid]] [[c... (link to section)
  • Can link western Europe: ... ill will on both sides. The social position of the Jews in western Europe was distinctly worsened by the Crusades, and legal restrict... (link to section)
  • Can link Pope Innocent III: ...m. They prepared the way for the anti-Jewish legislation of Pope Innocent III, and formed the turning-point in the medieval history of th... (link to section)
  • Can link Edward I: ...ard I of England== To finance his war to conquer [[Wales]], Edward I taxed the [[Jew]]ish moneylenders. However, the cost of Edw... (link to section)
  • Can link Semitic people: ... that the Jewish people are a sub-group of Semitic peoples; Semitic people were thought by many Europeans to be entirely different fro... (link to section)
  • Can link Indo-European: ...y Europeans to be entirely different from the [[Aryan]], or Indo-European, populations, and that they can never be amalgamated with t... (link to section)
  • Can link political scandal: ...s]]. == The Dreyfus affair == The [[Dreyfus affair]] was a political scandal which divided [[France]] for many years during the late [[1... (link to section)
  • Can link French army: ...iction of '''[[Alfred Dreyfus]]''', a Jewish officer in the French army. Dreyfus was, in fact, innocent: the conviction rested on ... (link to section)
  • Can link cover up: ... when high-ranking officers realised this they attempted to cover up the mistakes. The writer [[Émile Zola]] exposed the affair... (link to section)
  • Can link open letter: ... the literary newspaper ''L'Aurore'' (The Dawn) in a famous open letter to the [[President of France|Président de la République]] [... (link to section)
  • Can link partitions of Poland: ...osition was comparable with the status of nobles. After the partitions of Poland, and the final defeat of the [[January Uprising]] ([[1863]]... (link to section)
  • Can link Western region: ...ia and Soviet Union]]'' The [[Pale of Settlement]] was the Western region of [[Imperial Russia]] to which Jews were restricted by the... (link to section)
  • Can link human rights: ...s]] the state persecution of Soviet Jews emerged as a major human rights issue in the West and domestically. See also: [[Jackson-Van... (link to section)
  • Can link holy book: ... on [[Arabs and anti-Semitism]]''. The [[Qur'an]], Islam's holy book, criticizes the Jews for corrupting and not following the H... (link to section)
  • Can link the Hebrew Bible: ... book, criticizes the Jews for corrupting and not following the Hebrew Bible. Muslims refer to Jews and Christians as a "[[People of the... (link to section)
  • Can link Islamic law: ...refer to Jews and Christians as a "[[People of the book]]"; Islamic law demands that they should be tolerated as [[dhimmi|dhimmis]]... (link to section)
  • Can link left-wing politics: ...Jews were often condemned by populist politicians for their left-wing politics at the turn of the century.... (link to section)
  • Can link dress code: ...e Ages, where isolated Jewish communities observed a strict dress code. Since Jewish clothing seemed strange to the hostile surrou... (link to section)
  • Can link revisionism: ...ication of the events of the [[Holocaust]]. Critics of such revisionism point to an overwhelming amount of physical and historical ... (link to section)
  • Can link in degree: ...criticisms of Israel and Zionism are often disproportionate in degree and unique in kind, and attribute this to anti-Semitism. In... (link to section)
  • Can link Deborah Lipstadt: ...ng the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory'' Deborah Lipstadt, 1994, Penguin.... (link to section)
  • Can link Kevin MacDonald: ...ents : Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism,'' Kevin MacDonald, 1998, Praeger.... (link to section)
  • Can link Tel Aviv University: ...udy of Contemporary anti-Semitism and Racism] hosted by the Tel Aviv University - (includes an annual report)... (link to section)

Additionally, there are some other articles which may be able to linked to this one (also known as "backlinks"):

  • In Anthropology, can backlink anti-semitic: ...at MacDonald's scholarship is shoddy and his viewpoints are anti-semitic. While authors such John Randal Baker continued to develop ...
  • In Augustine of Hippo, can backlink anti-Jewish: ...istian, while others have used them to attack Christians as anti-Jewish. See [[Christianity and anti-Semitism]]...
  • In Balfour Declaration, 1917, can backlink anti-semitic: ...declaration without those changes could result in increased anti-semitic persecution....
  • In Politics of Croatia, can backlink anti-semitic: ...right parties is organized, including M. Schwartz's illegal anti-semitic "New Croatian Right", "Croatian Homeland Order", A. Prkacin...
  • In Christian eschatology, can backlink anti-semitic: ...-millennialists, is considered by many Jewish leaders to be anti-semitic. The ecumenical writings and statements, and conciliatory ...
  • In Crusade, can backlink anti-Jewish: ...equent during and after them. They prepared the way for the anti-Jewish legislation of [[Pope Innocent III]], and formed the turnin...
  • In Circumcision and law, can backlink anti-Jewish: ... what the Greeks regarded as an abuse as for a deliberately anti-Jewish purpose. ...
  • In Edmund Husserl, can backlink anti-Jewish: ...nied the use of the library at Freiburg, as a result of the anti-Jewish legislation the National Socialists (Nazis) passed in April...
  • In Johann Gottlieb Fichte, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...German nationalism]]. Here, Fichte indirectly continues his anti-Semitic argumentation from his early works on religion and the [[Fr...
  • In Google, can backlink anti-Jewish: ... the way that a search for "[[Jew]]" on its site listed the anti-Jewish website [[Jew Watch]] at or towards the top of the list. Go...
  • In German Empire, can backlink anti-Semitism: ...hrer worship," the idea of a corporative state, militarism, anti-Semitism. They would also make the distinction between "predatory" a...
  • In George Bernard Shaw, can backlink anti-semitic: ...ch more promptly than parliaments'. Shaw also made numerous anti-semitic comments at this time, although the extent to which he was ...
  • In History of Hungary, can backlink anti-Semites: ...including those related to Jews, which encouraged Hungary's anti-Semites. In [[1935]] Hungary's the most important fascist party, th...
  • In Justin Martyr, can backlink anti-semitic: ...ebrew were either non-existent or minimal. He was somewhat anti-semitic, as was typical of church leaders in his day. After collabo...
  • In Ludwig Wittgenstein, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...ooling days at Linz, and even that key elements of Hitler's anti-Semitic writings were in fact projections of the young Wittgenstein...
  • In Lilith, can backlink anti-Jewish: ...[[Karaites]] or other [[separatist]] movement, or simply an anti-Jewish [[satire]]....
  • In Foreign relations of Malaysia, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...groupings. Despite Mahathir's frequently anti-Western and anti-Semitic rhetoric, he worked closely with Western countries, and led...
  • In Michael Jackson, can backlink anti-Semitic: ... caused quite a controversy when it was released due to the anti-Semitic slurs "kike" and "Jew me" in the song's lyrics. This cause...
  • In November 9, can backlink anti-Jewish: ...cht]], [[Nazi Germany]]'s first large-scale act of physical anti-Jewish violence, begins....
  • In Professor Griff, can backlink anti-Semitism: ...mber of the music group [[Public Enemy]]. He was accused of anti-Semitism around 1990; according to Rap Attack 2, he "suggested that ...
  • In Pope Pius XII, can backlink anti-semitism: ...ry of State . The remaining dispute should not rest on his anti-semitism during his Papacy but more rightly on his initial involveme...
  • In Public relations, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...e world. The "Protocols" were a major factor in whipping up anti-Semitic fervor in Germany.)...
  • In Presbyterian Church USA, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...statement recognized that one sided criticism of Israel was anti-Semitic in nature and that anti-Zionism was equal to anti-Semitism....
  • In Religious pluralism, can backlink anti-Jewish: ...Synagogue, emphasizing Christian repentance, the purging of anti-Jewish attitudes and the false 'Replacement' theology rampant thro...
  • In Second Vatican Council, can backlink anti-Semitism: ...s spiritual love, decries hatred, persecutions, displays of anti-Semitism, directed against Jews at any time and by anyone. More on ...
  • In Saint Cyril, can backlink anti-Jewish: ...m had become more sharply marked. The ''Vita'' connects his anti-Jewish polemics with his mission to the [[Khazars|Chazars]], a Fin...
  • In Talmud, can backlink anti-Jewish: ...f the Synagogue. This edict, dictated by Christian zeal and anti-Jewish feeling, was the prelude to attacks on the Talmud, conceive...
  • In USS Liberty incident, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...lained that these materials are often used as a pretext for anti-Semitic declarations and acts. They claim that these reviews often ...
  • In Jews in the New Testament, can backlink anti-Semitism: ...* "the Church ... decries hatred, persecutions, displays of anti-Semitism, directed against Jews at any time and by anyone"....
  • In 1936, can backlink Anti-Jewish: ...ounded in [[Albany, New York]] * [[Oswald Mosley]] leads an Anti-Jewish march through London's [[East End of London|East End]], whe...
  • In Carol II of Romania, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...h manipulation of the rival Peasant and Liberal parties and anti-Semitic factions, and subsequently ([[January]] [[1938]]) through a...
  • In Ion Antonescu, can backlink anti-Semitic: ... important oil reserves. Antonescu approached the Fascist, anti-Semitic [[Iron Guard]] party and offered them seats in the Governme...
  • In Bessarabia, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...mobs were incited by Pavolachi Krusheven, the editor of the anti-Semitic Newspaper "Bessarabetz", and the vice-governor Ustrugov. T...
  • In U.S. presidential election, 1968, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...r [[Richard J. Daley]], who was seen on TV angrily mouthing anti-Semitic epithets at Senator [[Abraham Ribicoff]] of Connecticut, wh...
  • In Gentleman's Agreement, can backlink anti-semitism: ...out a journalist who disguises himself as a Jew to research anti-semitism in the affluent community of [[Darien, Connecticut]]. The ...
  • In Edith Stein, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...me a lecturer at the Institute for Pedagogy at Münster, but anti-Semitic legislation passed by the Nazi government forced her to res...
  • In [[Jos%E9 Saramago#Claims_of_anti-Semitism|José Saramago]], can backlink anti-Semitic: ...ivil-rights group, has characterized these remarks as being anti-Semitic. To wit, [[Abraham Foxman]], director of the ADL stated, "J...
  • In Russian Revolution of 1905, can backlink anti-Jewish: ...her rather than the government. Some nationalists undertook anti-Jewish [[pogrom]]s, possibly with government aid....
  • In [[Henri Poincar%E9#Life|Henri Poincaré]], can backlink anti-Semitic: ...a Jewish officer in the French army charged with treason by anti-Semitic colleagues....
  • In Gene Ray, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...ay has made comments on his sites which some people view as anti-Semitic or racist; however, Ray denies any such sentiments. He does...
  • In Pope Paul IV, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...dinals he disliked could be imprisoned. Paul IV had rather anti-Semitic views, and he acted on those views, as well. He considered ...
  • In Ulysses (novel), can backlink anti-Semitic: ...] and begins berating Bloom. The atmosphere quickly becomes anti-Semitic and Bloom escapes upon Cunningham's arrival. The chapter is...
  • In List of terrorist incidents, can backlink anti-Jewish: ... (Narodnaya volya) terrorist. * [[1881]]-[[1884]] Waves of anti-Jewish [[pogroms]] sweep southern Russia. The word ''pogrom'' beco...
  • In The Great Dictator, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...ims to settle a deal with a Jewish firm. Hynkel relaxes the anti-Semitic policy in order to aid the cogwheels of the deal, however t...
  • In Peter Lorre, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...ilm were re-used by the Nazi [[propaganda]] agencies in the anti-Semitic movie ''[[Der ewige Jude]]''. None of his films were in [[H...
  • In Friedrich Schiller, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...rsial Lyndon LaRouche organization, was labeled a far-right anti-Semitic cult in a British inquest into the death in Germany of [[Je...
  • In Vyacheslav Molotov, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...ted for treason in [[1948]] during what some have termed an anti-Semitic campaign against "[[rootless cosmopolitan]]s", which follow...
  • In August Hlond, can backlink Anti-Jewish: ...the Catholic church give religious legitimacy to extremists Anti-Jewish groups. Jewish citizens were directly harmed by Cardinal H...
  • In David Irving, can backlink anti-Jewish: ... Hungary]], which Irving mis-characterized as "primarily an anti-Jewish uprising" because he believed the Communist regime was cont...
  • In Kenneth Clarke, can backlink anti-semitism: ...Howard]]) to resign in protest at the seeming acceptance of anti-semitism. Clarke was defeated for the presidency of the [[Cambridge ...
  • In List of historians, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...lter Frank]], ([[1905]]–[[1945]]), Nazi historian and anti-Semitic writer....
  • In King David Hotel bombing, can backlink anti-semitic: ...der was rescinded two weeks later after much outrage at its anti-semitic nature....
  • In Moloch, can backlink anti-Jewish: ... quoted Flaubert's descriptions as factual in her notorious anti-Jewish ''The Plot Aagainst Christianity'' re-released under the ti...
  • In Samson Raphael Hirsch, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...''", [[1884]] (a defense of [[Talmud]]ic literature against anti-Semitic slanders in [[Russia]])...
  • In Racial policy of Nazi Germany, can backlink anti-Jewish: ...cht|Wehrmacht (Army)]], and in the summer of the same year, anti-Jewish propaganda appeared in Nazi-German shops and restaurants. T...
  • In [[Tom%E1s Masaryk|Tomás Masaryk]], can backlink anti-semitic: ... supposed history taught before then(which included several anti-semitic tracts used to underpin Czech nationalism) and opposed raci...
  • In Battle of Cable Street, can backlink Anti-semitism: ...End with 52% of those living in the Borough of [[Stepney]]. Anti-semitism increased in line with the deteriorating social conditions ...
  • In Religion and religious freedom in Georgia, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...group refused to comply and began a publicity campaign with anti-Semitic overtones to justify its continued occupation of the buildi...
  • In Peter I of Castile, can backlink anti-Jewish: ... the populace. He instigated pogroms, beginning a period of anti-Jewish riots and forced conversions in Spain that lasted approxima...
  • In Mikis Theodorakis, can backlink anti-Semitism: ... lambs, troubled them deeply." * "I don't believe there is anti-Semitism in Europe. There is a reaction against the policy of Sharon...
  • In Alexander Lukashenko, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...ish leaders accused Belarus' Education Ministry of pursuing anti-Semitic policies after officials shut down an institute offering a ...
  • In Leopold and Loeb, can backlink anti-Semitic: ..."a relief that the victim, too, had been Jewish." Although anti-Semitic ministers such as [[Gene Scott]] have cited this case in th...
  • In Michael Howard, can backlink anti-semitic: ...is Romanian ancestry, and was interpreted by some as having anti-semitic tones, given Howard's Jewish faith....
  • In Menachem Mendel Schneerson, can backlink anti-Semitic: ... God for his miraculous recovery. In [[1991]], he faced an anti-Semitic riot in his neighborhood of Crown Heights which became know...
  • In Alf Garnett, can backlink anti-semitic: ...tures. He is cowardly, mean-spirited, racist, misogynistic, anti-semitic (despite evidence that he has Jewish blood), and blames all...
  • In The Bible and history, can backlink anti-Semitism: ...istoricity of a recognisable Exodus, can lead to charges of anti-Semitism, for example from [[Hershel Shanks]], editor of ''Biblical ...
  • In Anne Morrow Lindbergh, can backlink anti-semitic: ...usly articulated isolationist, pro-German, anti-British and anti-semitic feelings....
  • In University of Pennsylvania Law School, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...til well into the 20th century, and Yale's dean made openly anti-Semitic remarks.) Curiously, the student body became more insular, ...
  • In George Soros, can backlink anti-Semitism: ... City]], Soros reportedly attributed a recent resurgence of anti-Semitism to the policies of Israel and the United States, and to suc...
  • In Jewish views of religious pluralism, can backlink anti-Semitic: ... (c) they are of high moral character, and (d) they are not anti-Semitic. As such, some Jews argue that not only does God have a rel...
  • In Saul Lieberman, can backlink anti-Jewish: ... painstakingly pieced together by deriving its text from an anti-Jewish polemic written by [[Justin Martyr]], the church father, an...
  • In Norman Finkelstein, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...t denial|Holocaust denier]]" and accused him of pursuing an anti-Semitic agenda. Finkelstein has called the ADL's accusations agains...
  • In Walter Winchell, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...'', Winchell becomes a leading opponent of the increasingly anti-Semitic and isolationist 1940s administration of [[President of the...
  • In Islamic Association of Palestine, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...ges of the Palestinians." It has been accused of issuing anti-Semitic propaganda and having links to terrorists by the [[Anti-Def...
  • In Dennis Bernstein, can backlink anti-Semite: ...rutalities of its illegal occupation will be vilified as an anti-Semite."...
  • In Amin al-Husayni, can backlink anti-Jewish: ...eneral, near the Dead Sea and expressed his approval of the anti-Jewish boycott in Germany and asked him not to send any Jews to Pa...
  • In Lawrence Summers, can backlink anti-Semitic: ... changed the family name from Samuelson to Summers to avoid anti-Semitic prejudice) and [[Kenneth Arrow]] (his mother's sibling). He...
  • In [[Lu%EDs Carlos Prestes|Luís Carlos Prestes]], can backlink anti-Semitism: ...led by fascist thug [[Plínio Salgado]], tolerated a tide of anti-Semitism, and might have targeted Prestes' wife to appease his new s...
  • In Jewish history in the United States (pre-20th century), can backlink anti-Jewish: ...ng the succeeding decade, it was not until the [[pogrom]]s, anti-Jewish uprisings in Russia, of the early eighties, that the emigra...
  • In [[L%27%C2ge d%27Or|L'Âge d'Or]], can backlink Anti-Semitic: ...group of incensed members of the League of Patriots and the Anti-Semitic League threw ink at the screen, assaulted members of the au...
  • In Brazilian Integralism, can backlink anti-semitism: ...ons within integralist leaders - Plinio Salgado was against anti-semitism, while Gustavo Barroso, the chief of Integralist Milita (a ...
  • In Shavuot, can backlink anti-Semitism: ... Judaism == In an effort to encourage assimilation and end anti-Semitism, many Reform Jews in Europe in the 1800s promoted ending ma...
  • In Usury, can backlink anti-Semitism: ...ing a perception of usury, and contributing to a climate of anti-Semitism: Forceful confiscations of property, and discrimination tow...
  • In Jon Stewart, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...ld in his town, and he says now that he was subject to much anti-Semitic harassment from some of his classmates....
  • In List of political parties in Germany, can backlink anti-semitic: ...d until 1933) * [[German Racialist Freedom Party]] (DVFP) - anti-semitic (early Weimar period)...
  • In Paul Celan, can backlink Antisemitism: ...ne]] and Soviet activities variably tolerating and inciting Antisemitism, in 1945 Celan left Soviet occupied territory for [[Buchare...
  • In Laszlo Biro, can backlink anti-Jewish: ... patented the invention in Paris in [[1938]], after fleeing anti-Jewish laws in Hungary....
  • In World Summit on the Information Society, can backlink anti-semite: ...i and fascist groups use U.S.-based servers to spread their anti-semite and nationalistic propaganda. This controversy is a conseq...
  • In Uganda Proposal, can backlink anti-Semitism: ...in the world faced fresh persecutions. (It was the roaring anti-Semitism that erupted in [[France]] during the [[Dreyfus affair]] th...
  • In Rhinoplasty, can backlink anti-semitic: ...Joseph was himself of Jewish descent and his reason was not anti-semitic but a reflection of his time and culture....
  • In Google bomb, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...://www.google.com/search?q=jew&btnI Jew] - [[JewWatch]], an anti-Semitic group, was for a long time the number one hit when searchin...
  • In Nationalism and resistance in Algeria, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...lgeria. The Algerian administration vigorously enforced the anti-Semitic laws imposed by Vichy, which stripped Algerian Jews of thei...
  • In Communist Romania, can backlink anti-Semitic: ... Stalin|Stalin]]'s backing, and probably due in part to the anti-Semitic policies of late Stalinism (Pauker was Jewish), Gheorghiu-D...
  • In Marcionism, can backlink anti-Jewish: ...own. Sometimes the word ''Marcionism'' is used to refer to anti-Jewish tendencies in Christian churches, especially when such tend...
  • In Roman Catholicism's links with political authorities, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...In 1938 Pope Pius XI spoke with "bitter sadness" of Italy's anti-Semitic laws, the harrying of Italian Catholic Action groups and th...
  • In Nestor Makhno, can backlink anti-semitic: ...Russian Civil War)|Whites]]'' (counter-revolutionaries) and anti-semitic pogromists. In areas where the RIAU drove out opposing arm...
  • In January 2004, can backlink anti-Jewish: ...is exhibit was the culmination of dozens of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish events in Sweden." [http://www.guardian.co.uk/worldlatest/s...
  • In Christian-Jewish reconciliation, can backlink anti-Semitism: ... == In many nations there has been a remarkable decline in anti-Semitism after the horrors of the [[Holocaust]] were made public to ...
  • In Greville Janner, can backlink Anti-Semitism: ...s a member of the [[All-Party Parliamentary Group]] against Anti-Semitism, and the Israel APPG....
  • In Didache, can backlink anti-Jewish: ...ame for the Jews is "the hypocrites", and in the vehemently anti-Jewish ''Barnabas'' still more. The whole base of this theory is d...
  • In Independence of Poland Regained, can backlink Anti-semitism: ...ernment to fulfill treaty obligations of minority autonomy. Anti-semitism rose palpably in the general population. Nevertheless, inte...
  • In Bruno Kreisky, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...esenthal was "living from telling the world that Austria is anti-Semitic. What else can he do?" Wiesenthal retorted that "Kreisky ha...
  • In Edgardo Mortara, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...m whose exercise was allowed. Its enforcement reflected the anti-Semitic views of the 19th century Catholic Church in general and Pi...
  • In History of Poland (1939-1945), can backlink anti-Semitism: ...t. There were also political forces in Poland which opposed anti-Semitism, but in the later 1930s reactionary and anti-Semitic forces...
  • In Eberhard Taubert, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...07]], Kassel, Germany - [[1976]], Cologne) was a lawyer and anti-Semitic Nazi propagandist. Since 1933 he was a member of the Nazi '...
  • In Auschwitz cross, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...the land on which the cross stood, distributed inflammatory anti-Semitic leaflets opposing the removal of the cross....
  • In Zofia Kossak-Szczucka, can backlink anti-Semite: ...nd she is described as a Polish Catholic nationalist and an anti-Semite, something she did not in fact deny. On the other other han...
  • In [[Pierre Mend%E8s-France|Pierre Mendès-France]], can backlink anti-Semitic: ...amese Catholics to Communism. A tirade of abuse, much of it anti-Semitic, was directed at Mendès France. [[Jean-Marie Le Pen]...
  • In Nicolae Iorga, can backlink anti-Semite: ...e Democratic Nationalist Party was [[A.C. Cuza]], a violent anti-Semite who split off in [[1920]] to found the [[National Democrati...
  • In Christian Dietrich Grabbe, can backlink anti-Semitism: ...n". The Nazis idolized Grabbe mainly because of his blatant anti-Semitism. Brecht also wrote the play "Baal" as an answer to Hanns Jo...
  • In Elephantine papyri, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...in Elephantine, which had recently been badly damaged by an anti-Semitic rampage on the part of a segment of the Elephantine communi...
  • In Martin Hohmann, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...ose of the [[Nazi]]s. This was widely criticised for being anti-Semitic. The CDU [[Bundestag]] fraction voted to expel him on [[No...
  • In Division of the field, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...eraldry is called the ''fylfot'' and obviously predates any anti-Semitic associations) pattern, this is called ''quarterly en equerr...
  • In [[Emilio G. Segr%E8|Emilio G. Segrè]], can backlink anti-Semitic: ... in [[1938]], [[Mussolini]]'s [[Fascist]] government passed anti-Semitic laws barring [[Jew]]s from university positions. As a Jew, ...
  • In Siouxsie Sioux, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...iate the panorama of implications. "The Nazis were not only anti-Semitic but anti-anyone different, anti-anyone like me." The regali...
  • In Satu Mare, can backlink Anti-Semitic: ...mes and deportations performed by the Hungarian government. Anti-Semitic and anti-Romanian activities were a daily reality in the li...
  • In Klodzko, can backlink anti-Semitism: ...1936 the Jewish community of Glatz was targeted by waves of anti-Semitism and the authorities sanctioned the acts of violence. After ...
  • In Michaud Affair, can backlink anti-semitic: ...01]], was not listed in B'nai Brith's annual compilation of anti-semitic events. ...
  • In Timeline of the Second World War, can backlink anti-Jewish: ... Frank]] Governor General of Poland and begins accelerating anti-Jewish programs there....
  • In America First, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...g that his words had been misunderstood and that he was not anti-Semitic, the AFC was rendered largely ineffective because it had ne...
  • In Law of Return, can backlink anti-Semitic: ... as the ''only'' viable option for Jews seeking refuge from anti-Semitic persecution. While other states had denied the mass immigra...
  • In Pierre Gemayel, can backlink anti-semitic: ...a party that initially drew inspiration from the virulently anti-semitic Nazi movement in Germany (although it never stood for Nazi ...
  • In Symon Petliura, can backlink Anti-Semite: ...sponsibility for the Pogroms, is that he himself was not an Anti-Semite and he tried to stop them, introducing capital punishment f...
  • In Helen Darville, can backlink anti-Semitism: ...the exclusion of Jewish victims led later to accusations of anti-Semitism, particularly from right wing members of Australia's Jewish...
  • In The Shooting Star, can backlink Anti-Semitism: .... Since Blumenstein is a Jewish name, some accused Hergé of Anti-Semitism, prompting him to change it. In later editions the financie...
  • In Investigation and the arrest of Dreyfus, can backlink Antisemitism: ..., which, for many of his equals, meant revenge on Germany. Antisemitism appears to have been behind the idea that he was a traitor....
  • In Picquart's Investigations of the Dreyfus Affair, can backlink anti-Jewish: ...escape brought the case abruptly back to public notice. The anti-Jewish press inveighed against the accomplices, the protectors of ...
  • In Jim Moran, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...support for Rosenberg while claiming that Moran had made an anti-Semitic remark during a private meeting....
  • In Irwin Cotler, can backlink anti-Semitism: ...ort of [[Israel]]. Irwin Cotler separated six categories of anti-Semitism and find thirteen indices of discrimination against Jews th...
  • In Political colour, can backlink anti-semites: ...sociated with Judaism. In the nineteenth century in Europe, anti-semites sometimes referred to Jews collectively as the Yellow Inter...
  • In Zvi Mazel, can backlink Anti-Semitic: ...ade an attack and claimed "Sweden is one of the most severe Anti-Semitic places" and "There are daily agitations in Swedish media to...
  • In Yevsektsiya, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...tionary history was ostracized. When [[Stalin]] initiated anti-Semitic campaign in [[1948]], Yiddish fell out of favor. (See [[Sol...
  • In Free City of Danzig, can backlink anti-Jewish: ...ty's constitution. The government introduced laws that were anti-Jewish and anti-Catholic....
  • In White Nationalist Party, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...ating activism and publicity stunts, the WNP are virulently anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi (and almost reminiscent of what [[Nick Griffin...
  • In Elijah (oratorio), can backlink anti-Semitism: ...ion must be interpreted in light of that composer's extreme anti-Semitism; see [[Richard Wagner]] for details.)...
  • In Anti-Judaism, can backlink Anti-Semitism: ...Judaism in Christian Theology is a phenomenon distinct from Anti-Semitism. The rejection of Jesus Christ as the Messiah by the Jewish...
  • In Black Book, can backlink anti-Jewish: ...nd members of the American Jewish community to document the anti-Jewish crimes of the [[Holocaust]] and the participation of Jews i...
  • In Itzik Feffer, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...hoels]] and other prominent Jews were victims of the latest anti-Semitic [[Great Purge|purge]] by [[Stalin]]. They had been hosted b...
  • In John Gamble, can backlink anti-Semites: ... Stewart-Smith as "largely a collection of Nazis, Fascists, anti-Semites, sellers of forgeries, vicious racialists, and corrupt self...
  • In Jewish humour, can backlink Anti-Semitic: ...dn't he find a nice jewish boy?" == Anti-Semitism == While Anti-Semitic jokes have been around for a while, they are mostly made ag...
  • In Alois Hitler, can backlink anti-Semitism: ...ibility, however, if true, is historically earthshaking, as anti-Semitism was fundamental to Hitler's beliefs, life, and politics....
  • In RSHA, can backlink anti-semitic: ...for "ideological" tasks, by which was meant the creation of anti-semitic and anti-masonic propaganda....
  • In Marguerite Steinheil, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...vernment tried to make political capital of the affair, the anti-Semitic ''Libre Parole'' even charging her with having poisoned Pre...
  • In New Guard, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...] after WWII, which remains to this day Australia's leading anti-Semitic far-right political organisation....
  • In List of notable U.S. presidential relatives, can backlink anti-semitism: ... P. Kennedy]] - father and U.S. ambassador **Was accused of anti-semitism. [http://hnn.us/articles/697.html] [http://www.time.com/tim...
  • In Canadian Union of Fascists, can backlink anti-semitic: ...l Canadian Navy. The party though not officially racist or anti-semitic had strong connections to Adrienne Arcand's [[Canadian Unit...
  • In June 1922 in the United Kingdom, can backlink anti-Semite: ...sly given to the Arab king, Hussein. Denying that he was an anti-Semite, he declared that the burden of his complaint was the way i...
  • In Million Man March, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...f the [[Nation of Islam]], criticized as racist, sexist and anti-Semitic) and many considered the male-only event [[sexist]]. [[Mum...
  • In Gene Scott, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...phy of Education, and has written 20 books. He is ardently anti-Semitic in his radio sermons (see [[Nazi]])....
  • In Revisionist Zionism, can backlink anti-Semitism: ...hat Hitler was on the right track except for his excessive anti-Semitism. Revisionism's favourable attitude towards fascism receded ...
  • In Ignatz Bubis, can backlink antisemitism: ...9. In this capacity he led a public campaign against German antisemitism, real and perceived. Bubis's high profile both in Frankfurt...
  • In British League of Rights, can backlink antisemitism: ...h allegedly left due to the Anti-Communist League's growing antisemitism. ...
  • In Aleppo Codex, can backlink anti-Jewish: ... leaf has turned up and been brought to Jerusalem since the anti-Jewish riots in 1947....
  • In Warsaw University, can backlink anti-semitic: ... universities and the rightist students started to organize anti-semitic demonstrations and riots. The government was forced to back...
  • In Karaite Judaism, can backlink anti-Semitic: ... spread many myths externally which freed them from various anti-Semitic laws that affected other Jews. Avraham Firkovitch helped es...
  • In Justice bomb, can backlink anti-semitic: ... in 2004 was carried out in order to oust [[Jew Watch]], an anti-semitic site, from its status as the #1 Google result for the word ...
  • In Wilhelm Stuckart, can backlink anti-Jewish: ...in the early Nazi approach towards [[Jew]]s, co-writing the anti-Jewish "[[Nuremberg Laws]]" imposed by the Nazi-controlled [[Reich...
  • In [[P%E1l Teleki|Pál Teleki]], can backlink anti-Jewish: ...pporters on the other side, however, warn that he issued 12 anti-Jewish laws: first of all, the [[numerus clausus]] in [[1920]], he...
  • In Corpus Christianum, can backlink anti-Jewish: ...Ummah]]. The concept also justified the [[Inquisition]] and anti-Jewish [[pogroms]], to root out divergent elements and create a re...
  • In Hayyim Nahman Bialik, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...ion of the Jews. Bialik's condemnation of passivity against anti-Semitic violence is said to have influenced the founding Jewish sel...
  • In [[Walter Darr%E9|Walter Darré]], can backlink anti-Semitic: ... up the SS Race and Resettlement Office, a fiercely racist, anti-Semitic organization. He developed a plan for "Rasse und Raum" (rac...
  • In Helga Zepp-LaRouche, can backlink anti-Semitic: ... inquest heard that the Schiller Institute was a "dangerous anti-Semitic cult" that may have used mind-control techniques on a Briti...
  • In Mizrahi Jew, can backlink anti-Jewish: ...tinian]] brethren turned into refugees as a result. Further anti-Jewish actions by Arab governments in the 1950s and 1960s, incudin...
  • In Walter Wolf, can backlink anti-Jewish: ...ort, "...And Justice For Slappy", was heavily criticized by anti-Jewish defamation groups, as Walter is obviously Jewish and is com...
  • In Heeb Magazine, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...ctual Jews. The name of the magazine is a variation of the anti-Semitic [[ethnic slur]] [[hebe]]. However, in this case, the word ...
  • In [[The resolution of the Dreyfus Affair#The_Death_of_F%E9lix_Faure|The resolution of the Dreyfus Affair]], can backlink anti-Semites: ...mber, his nomination awakened the fury of the Nationalists, anti-Semites, and reactionists. On different sides conspirators tried to...
  • In Albert Jay Nock, can backlink anti-Semitism: ...m in America", which some critics argue betrayed a virulent anti-Semitism. Nock equivocated: "Someone asked me years ago if it were ...
  • In Umberto Cassuto, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...uage|Hebrew]] at the [[University of Rome]]. When the 1938 anti-Semitic laws forced him from this position, he moved to the [[Hebre...
  • In Human rights in Russia, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...eir religion. High-ranking federal officials have condemned anti-Semitic hate crimes, but law enforcement bodies have not effectivel...
  • In James Clark McReynolds, can backlink anti-Semite: ...ery Act]], and the [[Social Security Act]]. McReynolds, an anti-Semite who refused to sit near [[Louis Brandeis]] during Court pro...
  • In Weimar political parties, can backlink anti-semitic: ...ard a conservative-Christian authoritarian state. It had an anti-semitic message which had more success amongst the middle class....
  • In Anti-Slavism, can backlink Anti-semitism: ...ent that existed throughout the [[WWII]], parallel with the Anti-semitism. It was directed against the people of [[Slavic peoples|Sla...
  • In Nazi mysticism, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...ture". ==Early influences== In [[1912]] a group of highly anti-Semitic German mystics formed the [[Germanenorden]] (Order of the T...
  • In Anti-Semitism/Draft, can backlink anti-Semitism: ...describe attitudes and action that are often referred to as anti-Semitism, ranging from mild individual criticism on up through theol...
  • In Russian history, 1855-1892, can backlink anti-Semitism: ...rsecuted non-Orthodox and non-Russian populations, fostered anti-Semitism, and suppressed the autonomy of the universities. Their att...
  • In Kishinev pogrom, can backlink anti-Jewish: The '''Kishinev pogrom''' was an anti-Jewish riot that took place in Kishinev ([[Bessarabia]]), currentl...
  • In [[B%E9la Imr%E9dy|Béla Imrédy]], can backlink anti-Jewish: ...hen, after becoming Prime Minister, Imrédy became extremely anti-Jewish. Like many other Hungarian politicians who were active befo...
  • In List of British Jews, can backlink anti-semitic: ...he late 19th century there was mass Jewish immigration from anti-semitic [[Russia]], and the [[1930s]] saw an influx of refugees fro...
  • In [[Ferenc Sz%E1lasi|Ferenc Szálasi]], can backlink Anti-Semite: ...rmans on the treatment of Hungarian Jews. Although a rabid Anti-Semite, Szálasi was against the mass extermination of Jews and ini...
  • In John G. Schmitz, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...would be best if he not come back. Some of his remarks had anti-Semitic overtones. In [[1978]], he advocated a [[military coup]], ...
  • In American Jewish Committee, can backlink anti-Semitism: ... of pluralism around the world, as the best defense against anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry; and to enhance the quality of A...
  • In Canadian Jewish Congress, can backlink anti-Semitism: ...yance and was inactive until [[1934]] when a rising tide of anti-Semitism internationally provoked Jewish leaders to call the Congres...
  • In Eugen Barbu, can backlink anti-Semitic: ... that he plagiarized in his novel ''Incognito'' and for his anti-Semitic campaigns in the newspapers ''Săptămâna'' (''The ...
  • In Zionist Federation, can backlink Anti-Semitism: ...il's Island to live out the sentence of his court marshal. Anti-Semitism in Europe in the late 1800's and prior was not a new concep...
  • In Znak, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...land#The Failure of Reform Communism (1956-70)|March 1968]] anti-Semitic and anti-[[inteligentsia]] campaign of [[Wladyslaw Gomulka|...
  • In The Sneetches and Other Stories, can backlink anti-Semitism: ...alized the story may wrongfully be taken as an allegory for anti-Semitism, and the stars on the birds' bellies might be taken as the ...
  • In The Apprentice 2 Candidates, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...o ignore the faults of her allies. She made some seemingly anti-Semitic remarks in the fourth episode when she referred to the two ...
  • In Viacheslav Plehve, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...nt of Police in 1881. Intelligent, but unrelentingly harsh, anti-Semitic and deeply conservative, he worked energetically in politic...
  • In International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism, can backlink Anti-Semitism: ...t soon changed its name to the International League Against Anti-Semitism (LICA) that evolved to LICRA in 1979....
  • In Russian joke, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...Jews themselves. These Jewish anecdotes are not the same as anti-Semitic jokes. Instead, whether told by Jews or non-Jewish Russians...
  • In Occupation of Palestine/temp, can backlink anti-Semitic: ... that those nations which denounce Israel's actions harbour anti-Semitic or other grudges against the State of Israel....
  • In Hovevei Zion, can backlink anti-Jewish: ... educational courses. In the [[Russian Empire]], waves of anti-Jewish [[pogrom]]s of [[1881]]-[[1884]] (some allegedly state-spon...
  • In Peter Malkin, can backlink anti-Semitism: ...s family returned to Palestine to escape the rising tide of anti-Semitism; his sister, Fruma, and her three children who remained beh...
  • In History of the Jews in England--Jews came to England with the Normans, can backlink anti-jewish: ...gn they had incurred the ill will of the upper classes. the anti-jewish sentiment fostered by the crusades, during the latter part ...
  • In Socialist Students of Austria, can backlink anti-semitic: ... bourgeoise science. The resistance against nationalist and anti-semitic movements at universities led to discriminations and attack...
  • In Romanian Communist Party, can backlink anti-Semitism: ...position of the party and, along with officially sanctioned anti-Semitism by Moscow and pre-existing chauvinism in the country, led t...
  • In Criticism of Wal-Mart, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...in [[2004]] Wal-Mart was criticised for selling a notorious anti-Semitic forgery, [[The Protocols of the Elders of Zion]], on its we...
  • In Robert Henderson, can backlink anti-Semitism: ...the New Right (some have claimed that this spills over into anti-Semitism, as in his apparent agreement with the unnamed senior Tory,...
  • In Palestine Children's Relief Fund, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...olitical "solidarity meetings" where he expounds on classic anti-Semitic, anti-Israel statements. During a lecture at the Zayed Inte...
  • In Malcolm MacDonald, can backlink anti-semitism: ...matched communities engaged in bitter ethnic conflict. With anti-semitism rampant in Europe, MacDonald sought to find new settlements...
  • In Genocide and ethnic conflict in Israel and Palestine, can backlink anti-Semitism: ...l generally point to a trend of what appears to be regional anti-Semitism and the historical hostility of its neighbors to its existe...
  • In [[Andr%E9 Trocm%E9|André Trocmé]], can backlink anti-Jewish: .... These activities eventually came to the attention of the anti-Jewish Vichy regime. Authorities and "security agents" were sent t...
  • In Avraam Benaroya, can backlink antisemitism: ...ly urgent imperative, though, was combatting the racism and antisemitism that were often cultivated by the state authorities themsel...
  • In Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, can backlink anti-Semitism: ...enewed [[Palestinian]] violence", as well as "the return of anti-Semitism in the post-Holocaust period". JCPA maintains it has "devel...
  • In [[Voz de Aztl%E1n|Voz de Aztlán]], can backlink antisemitism: ...Center]], primarily because of its strident and unrelenting antisemitism....
  • In Arnaldo Momigliano, can backlink anti-Jewish: ...in [[1936]], but as a [[Jew]] soon lost his position due to anti-Jewish laws, and moved to [[England]], where he remained. After a ...
  • In Schicksalstag, can backlink anti-jewish: ...r many observers, it is the first hint of Germany's radical anti-jewish policies....
  • In Giorgio Perlasca, can backlink anti-Jewish: ... in particular due to the alliance with [[Germany]] and the anti-Jewish laws that had come into force in 1938. ...
  • In UK Holocaust Memorial Day, can backlink antisemitism: ...make some people's lives worth less than others'. Genocide, antisemitism, racism, xenophobia and discrimination still continue. We h...
  • In Ethical Culture Fieldston School, can backlink anti-Semitism: ...ical teachings. Additionally, because the institutionalized anti-Semitism of the times established rigid quota systems against Jews i...
  • In History of science fiction, can backlink anti-semitism: ...e story of his life as a student chemist and victim of Nazi anti-semitism with allegorical fables and the structure of scientific cla...
  • In Death of Jeremiah Duggan/draft, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...Defamation League]] of [[B'nai B'rith]] say the network is anti-Semitic and fascistic. LaRouche, a former Trotskyist, was released ...
  • In Jewish Voice for Peace, can backlink anti-Semitism: ...ple deeply proud of our Jewish heritage, we must both fight anti-Semitism and intervene to stop injustice wherever it appears, especi...
  • In Nicholas Sarkozy, can backlink anti-Semitic: ...mer protégé as the Minister of Interior in the middle of an anti-Semitic wave of violence by Islamic youths. Sarkozy responded with ...
  • In IQ scores, can backlink Anti-Semitic: ...of Security Police *[[Julius Streicher]] '''IQ 106''' Anti-Semitic Editor of Der Sturmer
  • In Charles Enderlin, can backlink Antisemitism: ...ch will be induced by his information, he is dead meat." * Antisemitism in France is "a French problem, which belongs to French pol...