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Hi. I'm just another Wiki user. Pay no attention to me.
Unlike others, I don't go around posting VfD headers on stuff. I just read it. No offense to the people that post VfD on stuff though. They usually have good reasons.

Who am I? Someone. That's who. Pay me no attention. I'm just another person. :-)
I don't make very many contributions but you'll see my stuff here and there.
You wan't me to be more specific? OK, fine.

Who am I?


I am X-Bunny. Named after the fictional character by Reed McCoy.
I don't do much. I just rot in front of my computer. My real name is *****. Ha! You'll never find out my real name! Hahahahahahahaha! *ahem*.


  • Job: Student
  • Age: Between 0 and 20
  • Address: 123 Fake Street

That's it for now. Go read something interesting.