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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Goal of the Game


The goal of Wikigame is to connect your disconnected pages and subsequently to increase the your current network of interlinked pages.

Normal rules


The Normal rules for Wikigame are as follows:

  • You may edit or contribute to a page, or start a new page, only if either of the following conditions holds:
    • the page is one to which you have started, or to which you have previously made a substantial contribution
    • there is a link to that page on a page that you have started or to which you have made a substantial contribution.
    • you have declared Wikitari (see below).
  • Any new links created must be fully justifiable according to the usual Wiki standards
  • If you start playing the Wikigame after already having made contributions, you should declare which pages are to be in your initial current network. Such pages need not be currently connected, but you must strive to connect the pages into a single network as quickly as possible. On the other hand, you are perfectly free to start from scratch.
  • You may not declare Wikitari unless all your pages are connected.

Substantial Contributions


"Substantial contribution" should be taken at the discretion of the player. As a rule of thumb, it should indicate the addition of at least one new relevant point in the article in the form of at least one complete sentence. The contribution must be accurate to the best of your knowledge and considered valuable by a reasonable expert on the topic.



Wikitari is the act of creating a new page from scratch, or making a substantial contribution to an existing page, in a case where that the page cannot be immediately linked to your current network. Such a page is a called Wikitari page. Following the rule above, you may not declare Wikitari again until you connect the Wikitari page to your current network.

The spirt of Wikigame dictates that a good Wikitari page will be one that is completely and utterly unrelated to any current page in your network, with no obvious connection to an existing page. As one's page network grows, this will obviously become increasingly difficult.

Good Wikigame Play


Good Wikigame etiquette dictates that stubs are perfectly acceptable as connectors, but you must flesh out any stubs you create in a timely manner.

Another good rule of Wikigame play is not to leave uncreated links in material you have written for any length of time. An optional rule that can be adopted is that a page may not be considered a valid connector if it contains open links which you yourself have created, or which existed at the time you first started edited the page.

Editing by Others


Obviously it is not possible to control the content of any Wikipedia page, and thus it is quite possible and almost inevitable that material you have written will be edited by someone else in such as way as to break a critical connection in current network. In some cases this will be due to vandalism and can be easily reverted. In other cases, however, re-establishing a particular link may lead to such bad things as edit wars, etc. It is completely up to the discretion of the player as to how to deal with such situations.

The general rule is this: once a page is established as a connector in the network, it can be considered to remain so unless the player himself (or herself) breaks the connection through editing or page removal. This allows the game to be played while avoiding nastiness. Players of course are free to reestablish an alternate connection route, and the spirit of the game tends to encourage this course of action if the original one cannot be re-established.

Special Rules


The Strict rules for Wikigame include the above rules with the following:

  • List pages, including year pages, date pages, etc., may not serve as connector pages in your page network.

The Superstrict rules for Wikigame include the above rules and the following:

  • Connecting links in the network must reciprocal between pages.