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User:Darksun/European Affairs

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The map of Europe.

European Affairs is a Jennifer Government: NationStates roleplaying community, based on the region Europe.

The NationStates Internet game is known for its lack of in-depth simulation. The game is a very simple simulation of internal policies, which will later reflect the freedom levels and the economic strength of the nation. The game engine lacks two of the most attractive points to political-simulation players: war and diplomacy. This was solved through the creation of roleplaying communities, where players meet in public boards in which they debate politics and simulate wars between their countries.

Although the NationStates roleplayers were very segmented in the begginig, spread among small regions, huge communities of united roleplayers have sprung up. They organize themselves in regions, some with offsite forums. Two of the larger communities are European Affairs and The New Meritocracy. However, while regions such as The New Meritocracy or The Heartland are based on peace and dialogue between nations, Europe is a much more bellicose region, with common diplomatic conflicts and wars among its nations.

The level of dedication given by the European players to its region is well known. Fictional flags, imaginary countries based in real countries or in historical regimes, common sporting events like organized football championships, and even pictures of the fictional nations' licence plates can be found in Europe.



Most of the fictional nations in Europe are analogies of historical regimes or real nations. Erlangen-Ansbach, for instance, is the image of an alternative Bavarian Constitutional Monarchy. The oppressive and militaristic Dominion of Sortain can be compared to Nazi Germany, Azores reflects Portuguese fascism and Nosterra the Italian fascism. Twente is Europe's superpowered Vatican, Old Britannia is an allusion to the British Empire and Rumeli is based on the Ottoman Empire.

Commonly, players tend to adapt their nations to their native cultures, using their native languages as their nation's main languages. However, others like to roleplay countries based on their favourite countries.

War and Diplomacy


Europe is a region well known for its war-related roleplaying excellency. It permits its players to roleplay a war without very well defined rules, which gives its participants a sense of freedom to act. Several successful wars fill the history of Europe, such as the Invasion to Monkecia, the Ofrecioan Ocuppation, or more recently, the Israel-Palestine civil war.

However, certain problems always appear. They are mainly related to the deployment of forces or the exaggeration of numbers. This is a situation called godmodding, in which impossible situations appear. Players tend to ignore godmodding acts, in order to keep situations as realistic as possible.

The Stuttgart Treaty

The Stuttgart Treaty.
The Stuttgart Treaty.

Signed by 90% of the European nations, the Stuttgart Treaty is a treaty whose objective is to rid Europe from Weapons of Mass Destruction (such as Chemical and Nuclear weapons). The origins of the Conference are linked with the recent Azorean crisis, in which the rogue Azorean National Chancellor threatened to blow up his enormous nuclear arsenal, while facing a full-scale invasion. However, in the last moment, the Chancellor died for unclear reasons and the invasion was halted, as well as the Apocalypse. This crisis made Euroean nations rethink about their positions regarding WMD's, and led Sonoran Islands and South Germany to organize the conference, which would get its name from the hosting South German city. Although most nations ratified the treaty (such as previously rogue Azores), some nations decided not to sign, for its conditions were considered unacceptable.

The Linguistic Communities


Europe is a land of cultural and linguistic diversity. Although the main language of the community is English, some linguistic communities have grown large enough to compose their own sub-communities, which even have private forums for exclusive conversation in those languages. That's the case of the Zwiyzek Slowaianski and the Nederlandse Taalunie.

The ZS is the oldest linguistic organization in the community. It's composed of Slavic language speakers, and includes a wide variety of members, most of them being Polish. On the other hand, the NTU is based on the Dutch language and has seen a huge growth in recent times, as there is a rather large Dutch participation in the board.

Significant linguistic communities which don't have any organized unions are German and Portuguese.

Alliances and Major Powers


The region is also known for its constant Cold Wars. Huge alliances such as the communist ComIntern or the conservative UCS struggle for their spheres of influence. Meanwhile, smaller alliances like the right-wing RWB or the pacifist ADL try to impose themselves as major powers. Nuclear wars are often imminent, diplomatic insults are constant and every nation lives in constant alert for needed mobilizations.

List of major alliances

  • UCS - Union of Conservative States - A Conservative alliance regarded as the most powerful entity in Europe. It is closed and limited to the current 4 members. It is composed by the Confederacy of South Germany, the United Kingdom of Erlangen-Ansbach, the Holy See of Twente and the Dominion of Sortain.
  • ComIntern - European Communist Alliance - It seems that the glorious days of the ComIntern have already passed. Now, it seems that the once all-powerful communist alliance in Europe is losing its place as major player. It is still, however, one of the biggest alliances. It is composed by the United Socialist States of Monkecia, the People's Republic of Socialist Meribia, the Holy Empire of Aartrijke, the Communist Republic of Europaland, the People's Republic of Nuttylnd, the Republic of New Mozambique, the Democratic Republic of Northlanders, and the United Socialist States of Soviet Candastan.
  • RWB - Right Wing Block - Formed upon the merging of 2 distinct alliances, the Conservative Coalition and the Union of European Fascists, the RWB has been able to impose itself as a Great Power, surprising those who saw it as a puppet of the UCS. It is composed by the Fascist Republic of Azores, the Empire of Habsburg-Scranton, the Kingdom of Hugoland, the Commonwealth of Medolai, the Social Republic of Nosterra, the Republic of Kheion, the Empire of Ringoku and the Republic of Unified Fascists.
  • UAP - United Alliance for Peace - As the ComIntern, the UAP has also been loosing its way in Europe. The recent departures of nations such as Liechtenistan or Helvetic Confederation and the heavy bureaucratic processes make from this alliance a toothless tiger. It is composed by the Kingdom of Lovisa, the Federative Monarchy of Sonoran Islands, the Republic of Wella, the Republic of Llyrm, Kuruland, Nya Världen and Denmark.

Other relevant entities

  • The European Union - This organization is very similar to the real European Union. Every season, 7 delegates (the Councillors) are elected among the EU nations. Every proposed motion needs to pass member voting and then is discussed between the delegates in the EU Council. The EU also includes the European Court of Justice and the Human Rights Protectorate.
  • The League of Nations - The recent apathy of the EU and its endless bureaucracy took some nations to leave it and form a "new EU" - The League of Nations. Although it had a high adhesion in the beggining, some internal conflicts led to the departure of some members. Basically, the League of Nations is a smaller version of the EU without a chairman and with 3 Councillors instead of 7.
  • European Red Cross - Responsible for sending aid to wars and other catastrophes.
  • ASEN - Association of Southern European Nations. It is a political and economical association formed by Southern and Central European nations.
  • BEC - Bank of European Currencies. responsible for fixing exchange rates between national currencies and the Euro.

There are several other alliances and organizations, but that these are the most relevant.

The Nations of Europe


Europe has a wide variety of nations: from Stalinist dictatorships to utopian democracies.

List of Active Nations

  • Aartrijke - An holy communist empire known for its almost compulsory nudity.
  • Alamein - An utopian social-democracy which claims to be the most advanced nation technologically in the World.
  • Adelyne - A right-wing liberalist nation where capitalism reigns. It mistrusts extremist nations and communists. It also claims to have the most flourishing economy in Europe.
  • Azores - A fascist, extremely capitalist Republic ruled by a corrupt Prime Minister. Claims to be the most powerful economy in the region. It's a mix between Salazar's and Dolfuss' regimes.
  • Bradivenland - A federal democracy whose President is a woman. It is one of the most populated nations in Europe.
  • Cidonia - A national-bolshevik state. It is a communist benevolent dictatorship with a nationalist touch, well seen among right-wing nations, and it has one of the biggest armies in Europe.
  • Cottonwood - Former Ofrecioa, it became a Sonoran protectorate after a devastating Civil War, in which nuclear weaponry was used.
  • Danmark - A Scandinavian social-democracy, based on the real-world Denmark.
  • Einland - A peaceful democracy which became recently involved in the Israel-Palestine collapse.
  • Eliga-Nipal - An European-style Monarchy with the typical European problems: cultural and linguistic contrasts and a violent past.
  • Erlangen-Ansbach - A conservative state based on a Bavarian Constitutional Monarchy. In most of the political aspects, it bases itself on real-life Germany.
  • États Confédéres d'Europe - Based on a Federal Unified Europe, it is a left-leaning democracy which claims to have the biggest navy in the region.
  • Europaland - The typical socialist pseudo-democracy in which the Parliament overrules any public votes.
  • Frostinia - The cultural center of Europe, it is a Roman Empire-like country, with a conservative aristocracy and a dense mythology. It has the biggest automobile manufacturing sector.
  • Futurists - A disguised military dictatorship hides behind a social-democrat cover.
  • Gunnlandia - Claims to be an anarcho-capitalist version of Switzerland. It is also very militaristic and religious.
  • Helvetic Confederation - An extremly capitalist nation, a mix between Switzerland and the USA.
  • Holland - An artificial nation which struggles for freedom, claiming the independence of the Sortainian State of Kingsport.
  • Hugoland - A Constitutional Monarchy based on a monarchic version of Finland. It is a Christian Democrat nation with some social-democratic values, but assuming itself as right-wing.
  • Hungaria - A fascist state that is based on World War 2 Hungary, Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.
  • Kheion - A right-wing democracy which favors capitalism and neo-conservatism; conservative ideals mixed with utilitarism and liberalism.
  • Liechtenistan - The most populated nation in Europe is a democracy with a small headache: a separatist movement which terrorizes a state. It is the host of many of the European Sport competitions.
  • Llyrm - A pacifistic, capitalist democracy.
  • Lovisa - Based on a Polish monarchy, it also hosts most of the sport competitions in Europe.
  • Medolai - A true right-wing nation which defends the values of conservativism, capitalism and moderate fascism. Hosts one of the 2 right-wing broadcast stations in Europe.
  • Monaco - A small principality based on real-world Monaco. It is located in Sonoran territory.
  • Monkecia - A stalinist state, similar to Lenin's USSR but much more violent. It is seen by most right-wing nations as a "rogue supporter of terrorism".
  • Monrovia - A poor, non-developed nation with a corrupt government which is based on the post-Cold War Eastern European countries.
  • Nendeln - The UN Delegate, Nendeln is closely related to the nation of Liechtenistan. It achieved full independence early last year (RL) and became UN Delegate for Europe early this year/late last year.
  • Nosterra - Based on Fascist Italy, Nosterra is equal to it in almost every aspect: a big weapons manufacturer and colonial ambitions.
  • Novorossiya - A secretive nation with a somewhat oppressive government, similar to Russia in its experiments of tsarist, revolutionary, and federal regimes. Named after a short lived republic of the same name that in 1992 tried to establish itself in part of the Ukraine.
  • Nuttylnd - A communist nation ruled by a Dune-like political system.
  • Nya Varlden - A Scandinavian left-wing social-democracy.
  • Old Britannia - A conservative, environmentalist democracy based on the British Empire. Has the second largest overseas empire in Europe.
  • Philopolis - An Imperialistic Nation-State of a fictional race called Philo. It's political system is unique because it is modeled after Polybius' Republic
  • Portusgalia - Portusgalia is typicall fascist nation, their Counsul fo Life Marshal Manuel Nobrega Sotto Mayor wonts to be the XXI Cent. Julius Ceasar. This country is notable for its large Armoured Divisions and Mechanised Infantary, in a few words its the Industrial Civilisation.
  • Québec - A french nation based on the province in real-world Canada.
  • Republik Oesterreich - Previously a communist version of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, it collapsed due to a foreign invasion. It is now modelled after real-world Austria.
  • Ringoku - A pseudo-Japanese shogunate, ruled by an oppressive government and handing much power to obscure corporations.
  • Rokolev - A National-Bolshevik nation with a unique racial policy, which has always been ruled by same leader, no matter it's policy. Its airforce is the most advanced in Europe.
  • Rumeli - A western-Islamic state, very similar to the late Ottoman Empire and early Turkey.
  • Secadores - A left wing state that has influences from Maoism, Titoism and Stalinism. Is known for its political instability and its large hairdryer manufacturing sector.
  • Sonoran Islands - A Constitutional federative monarchy, it is the "beach" of Europe, dedicating its economy to tourism. It has a rather large amount of colonial possessions.
  • Socialist Meribia - A Vietnam-style socialist, non-developed nation.
  • South Germany - Ruled by a military dictatorship, it is a pseudo-fascist state with the strongest airforce in Europe.
  • Sortain - A Nazi-like military dictatorship, it owns the largest army in Europe. It is also the largest overseas empire.
  • Turquance - France meets Turkey. Basically, a mix between these two nations.
  • Twente - The Vatican of Europe. Besides being the Holy Land of Twentish-Catholicism, it is a theocracy ruled by Cardinal Middelhuis, the European version of the Pope.
  • USSR - A large union of socialist republics with a unique state-owned corporate economy. Home to some of Europe's biggest companies. A Soviet-China hybrid.
  • Wella - A Polish republic.

Colonial Possessions


Following the European style of Imperialism, Europe is also home to many colonial empires, Sortain and Old Britannia being the largest.

  • Alam - Alamein - Small piece of land, located next to ECE's western coast.
  • Alamein Anglovictoria - Alamein - When the Federal Republic of Anglovictoria collapsed, Alamein ocuppied the "democratic" half of the country.
  • Arkastan - Sonoran Islands - Former Oshima-Sizu converted into a Sonoran Japanese colony named Arkastan.
  • Azorean Anglovictoria - Azores - In response to the Alamein ocuppation of Anglovictoria, Azorean forces ocuppied the other half, supported by local fascist and Nazi groups.
  • Bratisav - USSR - When the uranium-rich Northern island emerged from the sea, the Soviet forces quickly claimed the Northern half.
  • Britannic Anglovictoria - Old Britannia - After the collapse of Anglovictoria and the Azorean and Alamein ocuppations, the Empire of Old Britannia ocuppied a small island between the borders.
  • Britannic Sonora - Old Britannia - Tropical colony in Southern Europe.
  • Cottonwood - Sonoran Islands - In the former Kingdom of Ofrecioa, a nationalist group called RAFO declared independence of the Southern half of the country, creating the "Free Republic of Ofrecioa". In response to this act, a Coalition formed between Sonoran Islands, Old Britannia and Einland took control of the chaotic remains of Ofrecioa. After a bloody war, which almost ended with total destruction of the region, the RAFO surrendered and Ofrecioa was made a Sonoran protectorate.
  • Dominus - Sortain - After the Azorean Nuclear crisis, the small island of Dominus, near Bratisav was put on Sortainian control, in order to host the Sortainian garrison which is included in the Azores-Sortain defence pact.
  • Formosa - Helvetic Confederation - Island in the south-western corner of Europe inhabited by Asiatic immigrants. It is currently under protectorate status and in the process of becoming an official canton in the Helvetic Confederation.
  • Gibraltar - Old Britannia - City enclave in Cottonwood, acquired after the Ofrecioan Civil War.
  • Implaria - Sortain - Small islands in Southern Europe.
  • Ivalice - Philopolis - penninsula which is part of the Philo Empire. located south of Philopolis, it contains five countries; Maverick Productions, Republique Francais, Tortureland, Jihadists and French Maids. Each nation is independent but remains part of the Empire.
  • Little Old Britannia - Old Britannia - Britannic protectorate, on the other side of the Alexandria Fjord.
  • Moldor - Sortain - After the Moldorian Neutron Bomb crisis and the disappearance of Emperor Balshenor, Sortain took control of the Armed Republic of Moldor.
  • Nova Angola - Azores - The Southern half of Bratisav was claimed by Azores. It is now an industrial colony, extracting massive amounts of uranium.
  • Queens Island - Old Britannia/Sonoran Islands - Small island in the Great Sea, divided between Sonoran and Old Britannia.
  • Sombria - Sortain - Small military island given by Guevaria to Rokolev as a sign of friendship. Sold to Sortain.
  • South Acme - Sortain - Coastal colony, between South Germany and Einland.
  • Twentsche Antilles - Twente - Archipelago in the Great Sea.
  • Vera Cruz - Hugoland - Following the collapse of the government of Rochgard, Hugolandian troops ocuppied the zone.
  • Zealand - Einland - Small city enclave in Cottonwood.

Other Entities

  • RWC - The Right Wing Channel is a news channel which provides hilarious and totally biased reports of European events.
  • Europe Omnimedia - Media Corporation which owns News Channel Europe, considered the most reliable news source in Europe. It has received several journalism awards for its detailed and objective reports on Europe's major events.
  • ITASS Group - Giant Media corporation, operating in several European countries, such as Novorossyia and Azores. It is a secretive corporation, controlled in part by the USSR government.
  • Spain - A Civil War broke out between the Marxist Republica Española and the fascist SNA/Falange. During the war, a multitude of small states such as Euskadi, Catalonia or Galicia declared independence from their former oppressors.
  • Israel-Palestine - After the fragile balance between Christians, Muslims and Jews broke up and the government collapsed, several european nations ocuppied the territory with obscure "peacekeeping" purposes.